Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information


F2: Bodytext/Paragraphs

Updated: 2012-10-20


Paragraphs are the backbone structural element of all text document content. IGP:FoundationXHTML (FX) uses the XHTML <p> element to identify the bodytext element.

FX paragraphs are defined at these levels: 

Semantic. There is a set of semantic selectors to allow paragraphs to describe their purpose to a processing environment. These are termed descriptive paragraphs.

Pragmatic. There are semantic selectors where the same term is used on block, paragraph and inline structures. The semantic has the same meaning but the structural context extends the usability.

Structure. There is a set of selectors (applied or inherited) to allow paragraphs to descibe their structural purpose within a document  to a processing environment. These are termed structural paragraphs.

Presentation. There is a set of selectors that allow bodytext to be modified for presentation, layout and typographic requirements. These are termed presentation paragraphs.

Processing Instructions. Selectors which have the purpose of instructing a specific processing requirement on a paragraph.

Default bodytext uses only the <p> element without any styles. Generally the global bodytext font and size are defined in galley-rw. Where processors can handle pseudo selectors, issues such as first paras after blocks are presentation controlled from the CSS or sequence processing.

Semantic and Pragmatic Selectors

In FX selectors are always applied to a structural element. Many selectors such as term-rw, code-rw, author-rw, etc. must reasonably be allowed on block, paragraph and inline structural elements. FX overloads semantic selectors accordingly. This makes tagging complex structures considerably easier (and considerably reduces cost of ownership. Examples include paragraphs inside complex named lists.

Bodytext Tagging Patterns

Paragraph selectors are arguably the easiest to understand and use correctly.

Tagging Pattern: Semantic Paragraphs

<p class="attribution-rw">Used in block extract, etc</p>

Tagging Pattern: Pragmatic Paragraphs

<p class="speaker-rw">This selector can also be used inline</p>
<p class="dedication-rw">This selector can also be used as a block</p>

Tagging Pattern: Structure Paragraphs

<p class="blank-line-rw">This is a blank line </p>
<p class="para-continue-rw">This paragraph continues from the previous para</p>

Tagging Pattern: Presentation Paragraphs

<p class="firstpara-rw">force style this para as a first paragraph</p>
<p class="para-indent-rw">Indent the first line of this paragraph</p>
<p class="indent-rw para-indent-rw">Indent the whole para plus indent the first line of this paragraph</p>

Paragraphs can have multiple selectors applied. The various selectors are then independently used to carry out their role if a processing or presentation context exists.

Tagging Pattern: Pragmatic Paragraphs

<p class="dedication-rw handwriting-rw align-center-rw line-below-full-rw">
    .... </p>
    The selectors are 
        semantic: dedication-rw, 
        presentation: handwriting-rw and align-center-rw
        structural line-below-full-rw</p>
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