Updated: 2012-10-20
Alternative text which is inserted inline.
Lowercase text which is inserted inline.
The selected inline text must not be hyphenated.
Smallcaps text which is inserted inline.
Smallcaps text applied to text that is in title case to force all text to small-caps inline.
Handwriting text which is inserted inline.
Handwriting text which is inserted inline.
Forces inline text to titlecase which is inserted inline.
Forces the selected inline text to uppercase.
Marks the enclosed content as an author name.
Marks the enclosed content as inline text requiring code styling.
Marks the enclosed content as a date reference.
Marks the enclosed content as an inline equation.
Handwriting text which is inserted inline.
Marks the enclosed content as a dictionary or similar headword.
Marks the enclosed content as a label for something.
Marks the enclosed content as a margin-note that should be presented outside the flow.
Marks the enclosed content as a number. The number purpose will vary depending on the parent paragraph, list item or block context.
Marks the enclosed content as an abbreviation, glossary or similar term, where the remainder of the paragraph content is the value. Inline .term-rw changes its semantic depending on the context of its outer block.
Marks the enclosed content to be presented as a dropcap. The default is two lines.
Marks the enclosed content to be presented as a three line dropcap.
Marks the enclosed content to be presented as a four line dropcap.
Marks the enclosed content to be presented as a five line dropcap.
Marks the enclosed content to be presented as a raised cap. The default is two lines.
Marks the enclosed content as a generic inline media reference and displays the references media item.
Marks the enclosed content as an inline character or icon reference and displays the image item.
Marks the enclosed content as an inline symbol or icon reference and displays the image item.
Creates an interactive icon with a related HTML5 audio element to allow audio to be played from the inline icon.
Contains an equation number. This is also a processing target if equation numbering is generated.
Contains an equation number. This is also a processing target if equation numbering is generated.
Contains an equation number. This is also a processing target if equation numbering is generated.
Contains an equation number. This is also a processing target if equation numbering is generated.
Contains an equation number. This is also a processing target if equation numbering is generated.
Contains an equation number. This is also a processing target if equation numbering is generated.
Contains an equation number. This is also a processing target if equation numbering is generated.
Contains an equation number. This is also a processing target if equation numbering is generated.
Contains an equation number. This is also a processing target if equation numbering is generated.
Contains an equation number. This is also a processing target if equation numbering is generated.
Contains an equation number. This is also a processing target if equation numbering is generated.
A reference to an equation number from the document.
A reference to a figure number from the document.
A reference to a footnote number or symbol.
A reference to a glossary term from the document.
A reference to an illustration number from the document.
An index term marked up in the document that is used for index generation.
A reference to a map number from the document.
A reference to a note number from the document.
A reference to a page number from the document. (Retrodigitized content)
A reference to a plate number from the document.
A reference to a table number from the document.
These are the standard HTML link selectors for e-content documents.
Exclude marked text from any print (PDF) formats
Exclude marked text from any e-book or e-content package formats
Reset an exclusion to both documents.
Mark this position as a line-breaks. Empty element for retrodigitized content.
Do not hyphenate this text in any format.
Mark this position as a page-break. Element contains the Real Page Number (RPN). For retrodigitized content.
The reference detailed tagging is taken from the NLM vocabulary for consistency and easy cross-walk processing.
This is a set of class selectors that support the nine weights defined by the CSS-3 specification. The matching font-faces must exist for these to work. You can read more at http://apex.infogridpacific.com/dcp/OTF-Fonts.html
Applies CSS font-weight: 100.
Applies CSS font-weight: 200.
Applies CSS font-weight: 300.
Applies CSS font-weight: 400.
Applies CSS font-weight: 500.
Applies CSS font-weight: 600.
Applies CSS font-weight: 700.
Applies CSS font-weight: 800.
Applies CSS font-weight: 900.
This is a set of selectors to support the CSS-3 font-stretch property. The matching font-faces must exist for these to work. You can read more at http://apex.infogridpacific.com/dcp/OTF-Fonts.html
Applies CSS font-stretch: ultra-condensed.
Applies CSS font-stretch: extra-condensed.
Applies CSS font-stretch: condensed.
Applies CSS font-stretch: semi-condensed.
Applies CSS font-stretch: semi-expanded.
Applies CSS font-stretch: expanded.
Applies CSS font-stretch: extra-expanded.
Applies CSS font-stretch: ultra-expanded.
This is a set of selectors to support the CSS-3 font-style property.
Applies CSS font-style: italic.
Applies CSS font-style: oblique.
This is a set of predefined custom inline styles which can be used for any purpose on a document by document basis.
Marks inline text as guide text. It is visible in the editing environment and does not appear in any output formats.
Marks inline text as a variable with a highlight to bring it to the attention of an editor. It appears as normal text in all output formats.