IGP:FoundationXHTML (FX) uses a classification scheme to make the maintenance and organization of extensive and complex XHTML selectors manageable. This system is simple and extensible and largely matches the defined document structures. The system can also be used by automation for the arrangement, inclusion and exclusion of various items.
The FX Classification scheme is used extensively in CSS stylesheets to assist with their creation and modification.
Each Classification area has two components. An XHTML template and an associated set of styles for editing, online, e-books and print. This is also easily extensible for packages such as distributable help-files, SCORM packages and other specials.
Maintaining the classification system may appear as work overhead to some, but this level of core organization greatly facilitates the quality and speed with which complex styles can be applied and maintained for both the general and custom FX case. It considerably lowers the long term cost of ownership and greatly facilitates custom extensions.
And a reminder that a leading objective of IGP:FoundationXHTML is that it is understandable, interpretable and usable well into the future at the lowest possible cost. The classification scheme is the major contribution to that future value.
Foundation structures are the backbone of any text document, and also generally apply to other non-linear content types. Most of these structures are common to any document which is why they are termed foundation.
Clas. | Content | Comment | W | R | P |
F00 | Sections | Section style definitions for documents that require specific section styling | Y | Y | Y |
F01 | Document-Galley | This is the Galley setup for each presentation environment | Y | Y | Y |
F02 | Bodytext | Bodytext progression styles and details, plus all relevant paragraph styles and modifiers which are not specific to another section. | Y | Y | Y |
F03 | Inline elements | Common inline presentation items. Do not use this for custom styles. Include standard links in Inline Styles | Y | Y | Y |
F04 | Headers | Heads or headings contained in a document | Y | Y | Y |
F05 | Section specific elements | Modifying attributes common to specific sections. | Y | Y | Y |
F06 | Document Title Page | Document titles of any type generally need specific, and often custom treatment so this is retained as an island. | Y | Y | Y |
F07 | Common Lists | Ordered, unordered and definition lists - XHTML only | |||
F08 | Common named lists | Content, List of figures, Bibliography, Index | Y | Y | Y |
F09 | Common Blocks | General blocks required in any narrative style document of any type. Not to be used for genre specific custom structures. | Y | Y | Y |
F10 | Common media | General media blocks for the insertion of images into documents | |||
F11 | Common Tables | Basic set of presentation tables with no specific document genre orientation. Defaults are Classic, Modern, Grid and Layout. | Y | Y | Y |
F12 | Layout | Special blocks that are used for primary layout tasks such as columns, margin and galley float operations. | Y | Y | Y |
FF | Fonts | List of fonts used in this template section. | Y | Y | Y |
Table 9-1 F Sequence - Foundation Document Styles
Custom styles are often required and apply to a single document. Where used, and if possible they should be classified into a custom group to allow ongoing maintenance and clear identification that they are out of line with the general managed elements.
In IGP:Digital Publisher each classification has an area reserved for the application of custom CSS styles or IGP:Document Designer defined styles.
The three "big" custom style blocks are located at the bottom of the CSS for Reader and Print to ensure they take advantage of the CSS cascade and over-ride general CSS selector patterns.
Clas. | Content | Comment | W | R | P |
C01 | Custom Blocks | A general area for custom blocks | NA | Y | Y |
C02 | Custom text | This includes paragraphs and inlines. | NA | Y | Y |
C03 | Custom Fonts | If custom fonts are used they are inserted here | NA | Y | Y |
Table 9-2 C-Sequence. Custom styles
Document genres are maintained independently to keep specific specialist tagging pattern details out of core templates. Genres can be added as required for any specific document template. Genres are not listed in any specific order of important or use. They are only separation containers.
This section is expanded as new requirements are requested or required. Most Genre content CSS will generally fight against the Foundation Structure styling and need to be able to over-ride Foundation, or style Foundation tagging patterns independently.
Seq | CSS Section Name | Comment | W | R | P |
G01 | Poetry | For formal full poetry books | Y | Y | Y |
G02 | Drama | For formal full drama books | Y | Y | Y |
G03 | Forms | Where documents contain forms as blocks. | Y | Y | Y |
G04 | Interactive Tutorials | Education, training, Just in Time Training | Y | Y | Y |
G05 | Q and A | Educational context | Y | Y | Y |
G06 | Flashcards | Educational content | Y | Y | Y |
G07-09 | Not allocated | ||||
G10 | Reference | For dictionary and encyclopedic type works which are organized alphabetically (in some language) and are item or article based. | |||
G11-19 | Not allocated | ||||
G20 | Food (Recipes -cookbooks) | Base IGP set. This will nearly always be customization extended per customer/user | Y | Y | Y |
G21 | Travel Guides | Base IGP set. This will nearly always be highly customized per customer/user | Y | Y | Y |
Table 9-3 G-Sequence. Genre based documents primarily for publishing
There is a special category requirement for business and commercial documents, which are generally documents that are created to facilitate other business and are not a commercial document in their own right.
This category will grow and they mostly have specific paragraph and inline blocks (eg. for correspondence or contracts). This is such a large area in terms of document genres we need to apply structured classification. This has been done for illustration only with B5-Marcom.
Seq | Content | Comment | W | R | P |
B01 | Report Blocks | A general section type for reports of any type | Y | Y | Y |
B02 | Financial Blocks | Blocks, generally containing tables that can be used for financial data of any type. | Y | Y | Y |
B03 | Correspondence | Generic template that can be formatted for the presentation requirements of an organization including logos and other formats | Y | Y | Y |
B04 | Contracts | Templates to address generic and reused contract formats. NDA is an example. This focuses on template pages which can contain significant fixed text with variable text positioned appropriately | Y | Y | Y |
B05 | MARCOM | Marketing and Communication covers a wide range of document types and genres. This is defined as an outer structure | |||
Table 9-4 B Sequence. For business documents
Metadata is crucial for a large corpus of content and sophisticated metadata is required for search, discovery, processing and other tasks from within an editing and processing environment.
IGP:FoundationXHTML takes a different approach to metadata in that it allows it to be inserted directly into a document. This has advantages and disadvantages.
The primary advantage is future value of the document. All metadata is instantly available to any processor from a document. The primary disadvantage is that access to the XHTML document is required to update, maintain or extend the metadata. This has an impact on long-term cost of ownership.
However an external metadata tool can refer to any FX structure by ID and maintain metadata external to the document if required. This can also be processed in and out of the document seamlessly.
If metadata is done well in the first instance this is a smaller problem. It is seen as more valuable in future reuse systems that the FX document is a trusted, self-contained representation of itself. Therefore metadata is maintained in the following manner.
Seq | Content | Comment | W | R | P |
M00 | Reserved | ||||
M01 | Work metadata | Metadata about the entire work. A search metadata block placed as the first child OR last child of the BookTitlePage-rw OR Copyright-rw OR TableOfContent-rw sections will be read by a processor as the primary Work metadata | Y | ||
M02 | Section metadata | A search metadata block placed as the last child of a section will be read by a processor as section specific metadata and be processed for metadata indexing accordingly. | Y | ||
M03 | Heading metadata | A search metadata block placed immediately after a heading will be read by a processor as sub-section metadata for that heading level block when extracted and processed. | Y | ||
M04 | Block metadata | A search metadata block placed as the last child in any FX block is to be read by a processor as block only metadata for the parent block | Y | Y | Y |
M05 | Fixed layout metadata | Metadata at the document and/or at the section level for all proprietary and ePub3 fixed layout formats processing instructions. | Y | Y | N |
M05 | Static Site SEO Metadata | Marketing and Communication covers a wide range of document genres. This is defined as an outer structure | Y | Y | N |
M06 | Static site processing metadata | This is contained in a stand-alone Processing Instruction section inserted at the end of the document. Only a Static site processor will take notice of this. All other format processors will remove and ignore this section. | Y | Y | N |
M07 | WebApp processing metadata | This is contained in a stand-alone Processing Instruction section inserted at the end of the document. Only a WebApp processor will take notice of this. All other format processors will remove and ignore this section. | Y | Y | N |
Table 9-4 M Sequence. For metadata structures
Clas. | Content | Comment | W | R | P |
Q00 | QAA RESETS | Selector resets required for interactive operation | Y | Y | Y |
Q01 |
Selectors that are common across all QAA block structures. | Y | Y | Y |
Q02 | QAA TRUEFALSE | Selectors specific to this QAA type | Y | Y | Y |
Q03 | QAA MULTI TRUEFALSE | Selectors specific to this QAA type | Y | Y | N |
Q04 | QAA MULTICHOICE | Selectors specific to this QAA type | Y | Y | N |
Q05 | QAA MULTIRESPONSE | Selectors specific to this QAA type | Y | Y | N |
Q06 | QAA ASSOCIATION | Selectors specific to this QAA type | Y | Y | N |
Q07 | QAA SEQUENCE | Selectors specific to this QAA type | Y | Y | N |
Q08 | QAA TEXTMATCH | Selectors specific to this QAA type | Y | Y | N |
Q09 | QAA TEXTMATCHMULTI | Selectors specific to this QAA type | Y | Y | N |
Q10 | QAA SORTWORDMULTI | Selectors specific to this QAA type | Y | Y | N |
Q11 | QAA SET | Selectors specific to this QAA type | Y |
Table 9-5 Q-Sequence. Questions and Answers and text interactivity
This is an IGP defined format to allow an FX document to be transparently used as an online static website in addition to any and all other formats. In addition to the Content Document Package framework styles, this format requires significant additional metadata support at the document and section level.
Seq | Content | Comment | W | R | P |
S00 | Static Site resets | ||||
S01 | Header | A general section type for reports of any type | |||
S02 | Footer | Especially important for tabular financial information | |||
S03 | Branding Bar | ||||
S04 | Login Bar | Y | Y | Y | |
S05 | Top Navigation Bar | ||||
S06 | Search Bar | ||||
S07 | Social Bar | ||||
S08 | Sitemap | ||||
S09 | Bottom Navigation | Y | Y | Y | |
S10 | Copyright bar | ||||
Table 9-4 S Sequence. For Static site container and page flow structures
Seq | Content | Comment | W | R | P |
B01 | Report Blocks | A general section type for reports of any type | |||
B02 | Financial Blocks | Especially important for tabular financial information | |||
B03 | Planning Blocks | ||||
B04 | Quality & Procedure | Y | Y | Y | |
B05 | Sales & Marketing | ||||
B05 | MARCOM | Marketing and Communication covers a wide range of document genres. This is defined as an outer structure | |||
B06 | Operations | Y | Y | Y | |
Table 9-4 B Sequence. For business documents
These are reserved for non-document styles which can be used by presentation and processing environments.
To be defined
Seq | CSS Section Name | Notes | W | R | P |
X1 | E-Book Excludes | NA | Y | NA | |
X2 | E-Book Includes | Y | Y | NA | |
Table 9-5 X Sequence. Processing Specials
Seq | CSS Section Name | Comment | W | R | P |
Y1 | Document Page Presentation | NA | NA | Y | |
Y2 | Page Definitions: Body | NA | NA | Y | |
Y3 | Page Definitions: FrontMatter | NA | NA | Y | |
Y4 | Page Definitions: BackMatter | NA | NA | Y | |
Y5 | Static and Flow Content | NA | NA | Y | |
Y6 | Page Allocations | NA | NA | Y | |
Y7 | Page Breaks | NA | NA | Y | |
Y8 | Counters | NA | NA | Y | |
Y9 | Internal References | NA | NA | Y | |
Y10 | Renumbering | NA | NA | Y | |
Y11 | PDF Bookmarks | NA | NA | Y | |
Table 9-6 Y Sequence. For Print Specials Section names and sequence.
The Z group is reserved for structures and styles that are specifically used by IGP:Digital Publisher, Formats on Demand and other companion products.
Seq | CSS Section Name | Notes | W | R | P |
Z1 | Writer Toolbar Styles | Only applies to IGP:Writer components | Y | NA | NA |
Z2 | Guide and Variable Text | Must be inside e-book excludes for Reader | Y | Y | Y |
Z3 | Editing Assistants | Must be inside e-book excludes for Reader | Y | NA | NA |
Z4 | RW Template Header and Footers | Must be inside e-book excludes for Reader | Y | Y | NA |
Table 9-7 Z Sequence. RW Controls
These classifications are used in Page templates, Content Block templates and their associated CSS Editor interfaces. It is most clearly seen in the standard Writer, Reader and Print CSS provided by Infogrid Pacific.
You will see all IGP created stylesheets organized thus:
/* Template Name: Default-Document */ /* IGP:Digital Publisher Writer/Reader/Print Template */ /* Created by: Authors name */ /* Copyright 2007-12 Infogrid Pacific Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved */ /* ================================ */ /* F1: DOCUMENT GALLEY */ /* ================================ */ /* F2: BODYTEXT */ /* ================================ */ /* F3: INLINE STYLES */ /* ================================ */ /* F4: HEADERS */ /* ================================ */ /* F5: SECTION TITLE BLOCKS */ /* ================================ */ /* F6: DOCUMENT TITLE PAGES */ /* ================================ */ /* F7: COMMON LISTS */ /* ================================ */ /* F8: COMMON NAMED LISTS */ /* ================================ */ /* F9: COMMON BLOCKS */ /* ================================ */ /* F10: COMMON MEDIA */ /* ================================ */ /* F11: COMMON TABLES */ /* ================================ */ /* F12: LAYOUT */ /* ================================ */ /* F13: FIXED LAYOUT */ /* ================================ */ /* C1: CUSTOM BLOCKS */ /* ================================ */ /* C2: CUSTOM TEXT */ /* ================================ */ /* C3: CUSTOM FONTS */ /* ================================ */ /* Z1: WRITER TOOLBAR STYLES */ /* ================================ */ /* Z2: EBOOK SPECIAL STYLES */ /* ================================ */ /* ZX: GUIDE AND VARIABLE TEXT */ /* ================================ */ /* ZY: EDITING ASSISTANTS */ /* ================================ */ /* ZZ: RW TEMPLATE HEADERS AND FOOTERS */
Any specific book starts with a template that contains the structures that are needed for application of the template. Only the classification blocks required need to be included in the template. For example, a standard simple novel doesn't need any Genre Blocks and possibly doesn't need tables and named lists, unless it is using a Table of Contents.
This approach eliminates the maintenance of massive, general purpose schemas, with obscure structures that may never be used.
In IGP:Digital Publisher the Reader and Print CSSs and Writer CSS are separate.
The IGP:Digital Publisher editing interface has a comprehensive and powerful CSS Editor supported by IGP:Document Designer. Templates can be created for any combination of genres, for example with a cookbook, it may be useful to have G7: Food, included with the standard foundation stylesheets.
Editing the stylesheets does not allow changing the underlying XHTML which must remain immutable; but style, presentation and interactivity is up for change in any and every book instance.