Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information


F09:Common Text Block Selectors


Text blocks are one of the largest semantic groups after sections.

Presentation Text Block Selectors











Descriptive (semantic) Text Block Selectors  


Encloses the content of an abstract, generally for an article in an academic work.


Encloses the content of text in a boxed outline generally to differentiate it from surrounding content as a comment on the content. Most common in trade books.


Encloses content that is programming code that requires presentation differentiation from surrounding text but is not used with named lists.

div.code-rw pre


Encloses content that is programming code that requires presentation differentiation from surrounding text and may be numbered, have titles or captions and be used in a named-list. This may contain <h4> and .caption-rw with a number.

.codelist-rw pre

Actual code text in a codelist-rw must be contained in an HTML <pre> element.


Defines the enclosed content text as an email.

.communication-email-rw .email-bcc-rw

.communication-email-rw .email-cc-rw

.communication-email-rw .email-from-rw

.communication-email-rw .subject-rw

.communication-email-rw .email-to-rw

.communication-email-rw .valediction-rw


Defines the enclosed content text as a letter. There is a number of pragmatic selectors whose description applies only within the letter block context. The FX letter structure

.communication-letter-rw .address-recipient-rw

Pragmatic paragraph selector indicating the address of the recipient. This can be applied to any number of paragraphs.

.communication-letter-rw .address-sender-rw

Pragmatic paragraph selector indicating the address of the sender. This can be applied to any number of paragraphs.

.communication-letter-rw .letterhead-rw

Pragmatic paragraph selector indicating the letterhead which may be an image.

.communication-letter-rw .letter-number-rw

Pragmatic paragraph selector indicating the formal reference number of a letter.

.communication-letter-rw .postscript-rw

Pragmatic paragraph selector indicating a postscript in a letter.

.communication-letter-rw .postpostscript-rw

Pragmatic paragraph selector indicating a postpostscript in a letter.

.communication-letter-rw .reference-rw

Pragmatic paragraph selector indicating a communication reference in a letter.

.communication-letter-rw .salute-rw

Pragmatic paragraph selector indicating the salutation line in a letter

.communication-letter-rw .signature-rw

Pragmatic paragraph selector indicating a signature in a letter. This may contain an image.

.communication-letter-rw .subject-rw

Pragmatic paragraph selector indicating the subject line in a letter.

.communication-letter-rw .valediction-rw

Pragmatic paragraph selector indicating the valediction statement in a letter.


Defines the enclosed content text as an instant message.

.communication-im-rw .date-rw

Paragraph or inline date-rw selector inside an instant message

.communication-im-rw .date-time-rw

Paragraph or inline date-rw selector inside an instant message

.communication-im-rw .person-rw

Persons name inside an instant message

.communication-im-rw .time-rw


Defines the enclosed content text as an txt message (Eg. As used in a mobile phone).

.communication-text-rw p

A text message is a single internally styled paragraph.


Defines the enclosed content as formal copyright information


Defines the enclosed content as formal copyright information and instructs that it should be center aligned.


Defines the enclosed content as a conversation between a number of speakers where the speakers are independently identified.

.conversation-rw p

.conversation-rw .speaker


Defines the enclosed content as a dedication.

div.dedication-rw p


Defines the enclosed content as a discussion between a number of speakers where the speakers are independently identified.

.discussion-rw p


Defines the enclosed content as an epigraph. Normally used in a title-block-rw.


Defines the enclosed content as an  epigraph. Normally used in a title-block-rw..

.epigraph-verse-rw p


Defines the enclosed content as an equation. The equation may be MathML, an image, and the block may contain a heading, caption and number for list generation


Defines the enclosed content as an extract from another work.


Defines the enclosed content as an poetry extract from another work.

.extract-verse-rw p


Defines the enclosed content as a block of text separate from the main flow which does not have a specific named descriptive selector. Use this block rather than a semantically incorrect block when tagging.


Defines the enclosed content as an introduction to a section or other content. Normally used in a textbook where a formal introduction to a stream of learning is a requisite..


Defines the enclosed content as a discussion. Normally used in a title-block-rw.


Defines the enclosed content as a list of objectives. Normally used in a textbook to set a list of topic statements. No internal tagging pattern is defined but this is normally an unordered list.


Defines the enclosed content as a notebox separate from the main flow. Noteboxes are primarily a textbook or trade non-fiction construction. A notebox may contain Use this block rather than a semantically incorrect block when tagging. Noteboxes can contain heading from <h4>, captions and numbers. In addition noteboxes can contain any other text and media boxes without limits, including nesting.


Additional custom notebox. This is a pragmatic structure to pre-establish specific purpose.


Additional custom notebox. This is a pragmatic structure to pre-establish specific purpose.


Additional custom notebox. This is a pragmatic structure to pre-establish specific purpose.


Additional custom notebox. This is a pragmatic structure to pre-establish specific purpose.


Additional custom notebox. This is a pragmatic structure to pre-establish specific purpose.


Additional custom notebox. This is a pragmatic structure to pre-establish specific purpose.


Additional custom notebox. This is a pragmatic structure to pre-establish specific purpose.


Additional custom notebox. This is a pragmatic structure to pre-establish specific purpose.


Additional custom notebox. This is a pragmatic structure to pre-establish specific purpose.

.notebox-rw h4


Defines the enclosed content as a pull quote. Normally used in a title-block-rw.




Defines the enclosed content as a sidebar. This is primarily a pragmatic print structure which is flowed into a margin. In flow books it can be sized and positioned to the left or right


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